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Natasha Obama (known as Sasha), 10th June 2001


Your Horoscopes for June

Find out if romance is written in the stars or whether a new job is on the cards with your sign star predictions for the month ahead. By Samuel F. Reynolds

22 May to 21 Jun
Gemini: Mercury’s apparent backward motion might make it seem like your chequeing account is heading toward a negative balance. This is not inevitable, so now is the time to curb your spending and give a little more scrutiny to where your money’s going, like those darn hidden mobile phone charges, etc.

21 Mar to 20 Apr
Aries: When Mercury starts his backward motion early in the month, your focus could be pulled toward the home front and family. You may have to mend fences that have needed repairing for a long time. Centre more on being sensitive than being right. There are different ways to approach the truth without being harsh about it.

21 Apr to 21 May
Taurus: Between the apparent backpedaling of Neptune and Mercury at the start of the month, you may feel like you’re losing your mojo and ability to connect with those around you. Don’t get frustrated; get focused. You’re likely taking some people and situations for granted that require more attention and care than you’re giving.

22 Jun to 22 Jul
Cancer: You might be slow to ease into celebration mode for the beginning of your birthday season. You could possibly feel as if you haven’t accomplished enough to celebrate, but that’s not true, dear Cancer. Use this month’s Mercury retrograde to count your blessings and achievements. You have even more to accomplish toward the end of the month.

23 July to 21 Aug
Leo: With this month’s Mercury retrograde, you could be inclined to continue worrying. Allow me to be blunt: worry is mindless wondering without working a plan. Use this Mercury retrograde to review an existing plan or create one if you don’t have one There’s no sense fearing the worst when you haven’t begun even to marshal your best.

23 Aug to 22 Sept
Virgo: You should focus on two areas of life this month: friends and finances. You may have a friendship that requires some nurturing. You may not be able to give this person the level of attention he or she needs. So, be honest. With finances, be careful about big or sudden purchases around the 25th.

23 sept to 23 Oct
Libra: Your focus shifts to career, but the top half of the month is a better time to review prospects and to reconnect with folks, such as former employers or colleagues. You’ll do better with next steps for the summer by looking back first. Be mindful of your temper and patience around the 25th.

24 Oct to 21 Nov
Scorpio: You’d do better to stoke your creative and imaginative passions this month, regardless whether that’s work-related or not. Ideally, this could be a good time for a short holiday if you can do so. If not, you also could prosper by reviewing or learning innovative techniques at work.

22 Nov to 20 Dec
Sagittarius: You’re more likely to have a better handle on what’s bothering you after the 17th. At the top of the month, you’re more likely to be in a cranky mood. However, later on, you get more at the bottom of what’s ailing you. It’s most likely a conversation with someone that stirred up old doubts and fears.

21 Dec to 20 Jan
Capricorn: At the top of the month, you’re either nursing romantic prospects, if single, or attempting to make sense of what’s going on in your current relationship. This won’t last long though. Your focus shifts around the 17th to more work related ventures. Be careful that you’re not using work to put your heart on freeze, though.

21 Jan to 19 Feb
Aquarius: This is not the month to spend a lot of money, if you can help it. If you can’t, then see if you can delay the spending until after the 17th. No need to fear broad scale calamity, however. It’s only that you may overestimate how much you have or what you’re getting.

20 Feb to 20 MarScreen Shot 2014-05-27 at 11.30.10
Pisces: Although you could be a little more sensitive than usual at the top of the month, you’re also more creative and able to make better sense of things. You can use your amazing intuitive and imaginative faculties now to either get lost in a maze of self-absorbed delight. Conversely, you could use them to plan in detail the bigger risks necessary for self-advancement.

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