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Needling the Nerve: Sciatica Solutions through Physical Therapy

Sciatica is a common nerve condition that can cause debilitating pain. Symptoms can often be managed through physical therapy and other non-invasive approaches. Learn more about how Summit physical therapy strategies can help provide solutions to sciatic nerve pain.

Basics of Sciatic Nerve Pain

If you have recently been diagnosed with sciatica, you may have a few questions about the condition. You experience sciatic nerve pain when there is pressure on the sciatic nerve. This nerve begins at the buttocks and travels down each leg. The pressure is often just above the nerve where it connects into the spinal column.

Sciatica can present in several ways, including sharp, burning, or throbbing pain. It can be accompanied by tingling, numbness, or weakness in the affected area. Many people experience it along the nerve’s path in one side of their body.

While this provides a brief overview of the condition, you should take the time to learn more and find out what strategies will work best for you. Discussing your diagnosis with your healthcare provider or a professional at physical therapy Puyallup WA is a great way to get more details and find an effective pain management strategy.

Sciatica Strategies: Pain Management with PT

Many people with sciatica find relief working with a physical therapist. The following PT strategies can be effective in managing your pain.

  • Gentle exercise: Physical therapists can help you find the right combination of strength and flexibility exercises to reduce your pain and improve muscle function.
  • Heat and cold therapy: Your PT may use heat, cold, or a combination of the two for pain management. Heat can relax muscles, which may help reduce sciatica pain. Cold has been shown effective at reducing nerve pain.
  • Soft tissue manipulation: Tissue manipulation techniques such as IASTM and massage may offer relief from pain, muscle tension, and inflammation.

PT’s Needle Nudge: Relief for Sciatica Sufferers

Dry needling is a scientifically supported therapy that helps release trigger points that can contribute to some types of nerve pain. It is frequently used to address symptoms of sciatica. Dry needling releases muscle tension, activates nerve pathways, and encourages natural healing processes.

How It Helps Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain

During a dry needling session, your PT inserts a fine needle, similar to those used in acupuncture, into a trigger point. The needle creates microtears in the muscle tissue, which stimulates natural processes that begin repairing the tissue.  It helps to reduce sciatica pain in the following ways:

Increasing Range of Motion

Dry needling can help increase your range of motion through the affected area. It may also help improve muscle function.

Lowering Pain

You may notice reduced pain immediately after a session. This is because the needles activate the sensory pathways associated with pain. They can also cause the release of endorphins.

Reducing Inflammation

The needles used stimulate anti-inflammatory processes in the body. This can help reduce discomfort and pressure on the nerve caused by swelling.

Physical therapy offers effective strategies for sciatica symptoms, such as dry needling. A quick search for physical therapy near me can connect you with a local PT practice to learn more about treatment options and find relief from sciatic nerve pain.
