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Pride Magazine


Yeah I said it… Some men are just plain selfish but some women are cheap.

After naming and shaming a long list of famous men who have all been accused or caught cheating on their spouses, Afua Adom explores the reason behind the cheating epidemic.

The idea that these men are exempt from the rules the rest of the world abides by is a strange notion and sooner or later, they always get caught. However, it isn’t just the men who should be ashamed of themselves, but the women who know that they are married, but continue to throw themselves at them; without a second thought for the woman who is at home, unaware that this is happening. They feel they can do what they want thanks to this amazingly unrealistic world they live in.

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has been accused of many extra-marital activities that range from sleeping with underage prostitutes to teenage lingerie models. His wife left him in 2009, no doubt from being unable to take the lies any longer, but what drove her to stay in this toxic marriage for so long? The thing that really gets me about old Silvio is he isn’t exactly a silver fox is he? I look at him and I think, ‘yuck’.

It seems being attractive or nice, or any other virtue you would look for in a partner doesn’t matter when you are rich and powerful; the young ladies seem to be falling for his charming wallet and political status, because it sure isn’t his magnetic good looks. Shouldn’t women stick together on these matters? How about we all stop the infidelity, forget about the power and sex bit and let real love and romance rule our relationships? Just an idea… Couldn’t have said it any better.



