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Pride Magazine


Working Girl

Keeping up with changing trends is almost impossible. But is your desire to stay abreast of the hair game really appropriate for the office? Shevelle Rhule asks whether your tresses give the right impression.

The Look:

The outdated hairstyle
You would be surprised, but some women do not realize it’s 2014. There is always an individual wearing hair scrunchies (oh dear), Jheri curls (God forbid!) or some other outdated disaster.
What It Says:  
To be successful in the workplace you have to be adaptable to change and have the ability to have a fresh outlook. Extremely outdated hair may suggest that you have an issue keeping up with the constantly changing times.

The Look:

The ever-changing hair
This week you may feel like a 16-inch weave wonder, and then you try your luck as a blonde, back to a black bob, followed by the Rihanna crop. The list goes on…
What It Says:
Employers want staff to be loyal to their establishment. Having so many different looks could imply that you are non-committal, get bored easily and are likely to leave soon for pastures new.

The Look:

Groomed to within an inch of your life
If a single strand of hair frizzes, you go into instant meltdown. The compact mirror is never far away, and you spend every spare moment looking into it or preening.
What It Says:
While you believe your look is giving the right impression for the company, your bosses are more concerned with the amount of time you are devoting to yourself rather than to the job at hand.

The Look:

No Style
There is nothing really wrong with it, but it’s just, well, dowdy. The season comes and goes, and your hair remains the same. You’re pretty slack on its upkeep, too. Do you even know when you last went to a salon?
What It Says:
As well as seeming to lack new ideas to keep things modern, your nonchalant attitude to your appearance could carry over into other areas of your life, like work.


Office style is about versatility, clean cuts and good maintenance.
Try styles that show sophistication – whether a neat chignon, into which you can incorporate ribbons or a headband to keep it on trend, or a well-kept shiny bob
or crop.
