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Pride Magazine


Rihanna goes off on Twitter!

Rihanna took to Twitter over the weekend to launch an angry rant against a racist hotel guest she met at her Portugal hotel.

The 23 year-old, Bajan singer said she was subjected to an attack by the “most racist” man in Lisbon after performing her latest show of her Loud tour at the city’s Pavilhão Atlântico.

In a series of tweets, Rihanna wrote,

“I just met the most racist c**t EVER!!! This man said the craziest s**t about black women – called us dogs, sl**s, we don’t look like s**t, we don’t belong in the same hotels. Needless to say, the #N**** in me came out! Bajan accent and all! Lol!”

The incident came after the singer was forced to rush off stage to throw up during her performance of ‘What’s My Name’ in Lisbon, prompting rumours that the world tour may have got too much for the star.

We love a bit of attitude so good on RihRih for standing up to this ignorant man!
