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Pride Magazine


Play Your Position!

5 top tips to make sure you are always playing your position

Have you ever been to a party or a club and the DJ is dropping all of the banger songs like ‘Candy’, ‘Turn down for what?!’, or those Jagged Edge slow jams, except nobody is on the dance floor? Why is this? Well it’s because it’s only 9pm! The fact is Mr DJ is not PLAYING HIS POSITION. Our overly eager musical technician is in fact a ‘warm up DJ’ which means although he would love to one day own a prime time 1-2am set where all of those songs may be appropriate he is not quite there yet. He needs to accept where he is and play music which suits his time slot and set up the partygoers for a musical climax when the time is actually right. By not playing his position, he is messing it up for the rest of the DJ’s on rotation and confusing the partygoers who may have to hear particular songs twice or even three times.

This scenario happens to a lot of us within the workplace and whether we are aware or not it could be hindering our chances ‘rising up the ladder’. Let me give you a few top tips to make sure you are always playing your position so you can achieve more successful outcomes.

1. Know what’s expected of you! Read the job description, know what’s required and communicate with the boss and team so you know exactly where to direct your efforts.

2. Never outshine the master (this is one of Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power).
You may know more, you may be more skilled or talented than your boss or leader, but you need to be tactful in how you display your wisdom. No one likes to be publicly undermined or embarrassed.

3. Master your craft You cannot truly play your position unless you have mastered your craft. Ensure that you are consistently upgrading your knowledge and that you perform enough research to make you irreplaceable and remain ahead of the game.

4. Put the team’s needs ahead of your own
This principle requires your emotional intelligence. Regardless of how you feel, the show MUST go on! You might have a cold, a fever, a personal problem or whatever. This must be put aside for the sake of the team. Remember that team work makes the dream work!

5. Place yourself in a position to WIN! Be so prepared that when opportunity comes knocking, there is no doubt that you are the person for the job. STAY READY!
Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all had a fantastic festive season and 2015 sees you re-energised and positioned correctly for success!

Wayne Jordon is a qualified teacher, radio host, life coach, motivational speaker and founder of M.A.D workshops. He may be able to advise you with any queries regarding your goals and aspirations. Contact him on waynejordon@madworkshops.com or tweet @waynejordon1. Catch up on all of Wayne’s previous articles at waynejordon.com
