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Pride Magazine


Kids Today: they want it ALL on a plate.

Inspired by an unmotivated teen from Jamie Oliver’s show Dream School, who launched into a senseless tirade over something trivial. Instead of taking the opportunity she had been given, she alike many other young people depend on government benefits. “If we get no benefits, then how we gonna eat?”

Being given opportunities means you have to take them and use it to its full potential, but the fact that this young lady and others, think of benefits as a way of life is startling. Unemployment for 18-24 year olds is at 18.3%, the highest historic peak. If that doesn’t make you shudder with horror, then there is a serious issue.

The softer approach to teaching demonstrated in the series, sheds a light on why harsher teaching methods aren’t working but rather, why pupils aren’t taking advantage of what is being given to them. Is generation Y suffering from ‘I want it all handed to me on a plate or else I’ll become a reality TV star or join the dole queue’-it is?

The lesson to learn here is to take every opportunity that comes your way rather than sit back and live off the government, because not everyone is as fortunate to have an education.

