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Pride Magazine


I worked hard to get my pre-baby body back, says Beyonce

Struggling with those New Year’s resolutions already? Well don’t fret, nothing puts a stop to a mice pie craving quite like watching the music videos from R’n’B diva Beyonce’s recently released visual album back to back.

If like us, you couldn’t download Queen Bey’s surprise fifth solo LP, Beyonce, fast enough, you’ll know just what peak condition she was in while filming all those videos. Rather than the spout the usual celeb nonsense about dropping weight doing yoga or housework however,  Bey kept it refreshingly real and told us how hard it really was to ping back into shape post-baby.

Speaking about her weight loss in a behind-the-scenes documentary, the 32-year-old said, “I was very aware of the fact that I was showing my body. I was 195 pounds when I gave birth. I lost 65 pounds. I worked crazily to get my body back. I wanted to show my body. I wanted to show that you can have a child and you can work hard and you can get your body back.” She added, I know that there’s so many women that feel the same thing after they give birth. You can have your child and you can still have fun and still be sexy and still have dreams and still live for yourself.”


Check out the full clip below!
