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Pride Magazine


Goal Setting for Success

Let Caroline Shola Arewa lead the way!

The New Year is now in the past, and 2014 is fading fast. It is time to celebrate your success. What are your greatest achievements of 2014? What are you most proud of? It is important to acknowledge success every step of the way. Give thanks for all, no matter how small!

You are still in the game of life, and that’s an achievement in itself. We all know people who lost the battle for life last year (may they rest in peace). If you are reading this, celebrate your life and give thanks for the breath you breathe and all you bring into the world.

An attitude of gratitude is an essential stepping stone to claiming your greatness, reaching your potential and mastering your life. After truly giving thanks for all you have received and given in 2014, it is time to turn your attention to 2015. What is in store for you? I believe we programme our destiny with every thought we make, just as the quote below illustrates.

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Why not go beyond watching your thoughts and take action by setting yourself some goals that will make 2008 your best year ever? Check out the top ten things you need to know about goal setting, and take a quick quiz on how successful you are.

Caroline Shola Arewa is a renowned health and success coach with more than 20 years’ experience of helping people make important life changes. Author of Opening to Spirit and Way of the Chakras, master of yoga and sought-after motivational speaker, Shola has appeared on radio and TV worldwide and presents the popular Energy 4 Life Practitioner Training. For more information, visit energy-4life.com
