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Pride Magazine


Dirty Great Love Story Review

By Ike Denloye

Have you ever watched a romantic film and thought ‘this is all too perfect?’ Well this play is made up of all the awkward and frankly, hilarious bits of love that are usually left out. What started out in 2010 as a ten-minute poetry duet performed by the writers, Richard Marsh and Katie Bonnaack has evolved into an award wining full length 80 minute production, which has received great reviews since even winning a Fringe first award for new writing.

It follows Richard and Katie whose drunken meeting results in a hysterical love story of ups and downs. He’s a little geeky and tells dad jokes and she’s a perfectionist and a little uptight. They’re different, very different but one thing they do have in common is that they both want to find that special someone. It stars Ayesha Antoine and Felix Scott who not only play the two main characters but all the other interesting and quirky characters of the story; and throughout the character and tempo changes their performances perfectly compliment eachother throughout. The play has kept to its poetic roots laced with dirty jokes, clever rhyming and many laugh out loud moments.

The best thing about the performance is that its refreshing truthful; unlike most popular love stories it highlights all the funny, crazy and sometimes messy moments that most normal love stories are made of. Definitely worth a watch.

4 stars!

Tickets available from dirtygreatlovestory.co.uk

