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Pride Magazine


The Dark Tower: Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey Confirmed As Lead Roles

After decades of deliberation, it is confirmed that Idris Elba and Matthew McConaughey will star in a movie adaptation of Stephen Kings fantasy horror series The Dark Tower. The massive reveal was distributed with a simple tweet from Stephen King:

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Elba is set to play the classic hero role, (as he does ever so greatly) of the Gunslinger a.k.a. Roland Deschain, whereas McConaughey who typically plays the romantic role, is playing the villain, known as The Man in Black a.k.a. Randall Flagg.

The Dark Tower which has had an epic series of books is full of cowboys, mutants, demons and murderers; is unknown what books the movie will specify on, however writer-director Nikolaj Arcel did say, “A lot of it takes place in our day, in the modern world”  following both Roland and Randall’s journey to the titular tower.

We all know the book is normally always better than the film, but with these two award winning actors, I’m sure it’ll be no less than brilliant.

The Dark Tower Movie is scheduled to be released early January 2017, so long to go – kind of.
